Beyond the Mind

Beyond the Mind

  • Capelle aan den IJssel

  • Nederlands

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Sanne Huijts

Sanne Huijts

On Holimoni since 29 oktober 2023

On Holimoni since 29 okt 2023

As a holistic therapist, my goal is to guide you toward greater inner peace, personal growth, and healing. I have a natural passion for personal growth and development. I find it incredibly fascinating to support people in their inner processes. Holistic therapy teaches you to listen again to what your body is telling you. This form of therapy helps you to truly connect with your feelings and listen to your intuition. You will learn to gently yet assertively examine and transform limiting beliefs and emotions. Emotion wants to move, and when we suppress emotions, they can get stuck in the body. I view you as a whole, assuming that you are physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically, and spiritually connected, and that these levels influence each other. Significant events that you may have carried with you for years cannot be processed or healed in one or two sessions. This requires, among other things, patience, acknowledgment, acceptance, courage, compassion, forgiveness, and a large dose of self-love. My sessions are tailored to your personal issues, where I utilize breathing work, table or physical family constellation work, inner child work, walk coaching, shadow work, Reiki, meditations, and various other exercises. I reflect you authentically, connecting with your unique process. Do you feel ready to dive deeper into your personal process? You are welcome to schedule a first appointment. I also offer therapy for children from the age of 7. Be sure to check the website for more information! Sessions take place near Rotterdam in Capelle aan den IJssel.


  • Stress and burnout complaints, Self-care & Self-worth, Not feeling well

  • Family difficulties, Inner conflicts, Loss and grief

  • Self-development and personal growth, Processing childhood and youth, Blockages in the body, HSP in adults and children

  • Breathing problems, Tension, Emotional issues, Divorce, Parenting and parenthood

  • Dealing with high sensitivity, Boundaries, Life questions, Making contact with your body, Discovering your emotional world


  • Holistic therapist since 2021

  • Family system organizer since 2021

  • Reiki master since 2021

  • Breathwork coach since 2021

Trainings & Courses

  • Holistic Therapist (Zoma training)

  • Reiki Master (Zoma courses)

  • Breathwork coach (Ravenwork)

  • Family constellations (Zoma and Smara training programs)


  • Insurance

    Not covered

  • Chamber of Commerce



Beyond the Mind

Holistic therapist, Breathwork coach, Family system constellator, Reiki master, Holistic approach, Body-oriented therapy, Inner child work, Shadow work, Reiki, Family constellation, Breathwork, Walk coaching

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