'In and through darkness, light becomes visible'


Wanda Bolck

23 januari 2025

I find this quote a beautiful guideline to share my first blog on the topic of (Body) awareness and High Sensitivity.

My name is Wanda, I am the owner of my own company innervibez (consciously starting with a lowercase i) and it is my intention to inspire you on your own path of personal and spiritual development. To live from full wholeness towards the rich, beautiful, loving, powerful being called YOU. Who knows, I might share something in this blog that excites you and resonates with you.

In 2022, I retreated alone to a mountain in a completely deserted valley in Greece, surrounded by various empty houses and villas around me. In the village of Strava, which translates loosely to 'arduous', I stayed in a guesthouse of about 30m2 on the grounds of a villa I was taking care of at that time. Well, arduous, that's how I experienced that period of four months there, especially at the beginning. You can imagine that as a woman alone I often felt quite vulnerable. Especially at night, when I heard the stray dogs barking loudly at the beginning of the village, when the alarm went off at some villas, and suddenly the sounds were also audible closer on the grounds, around but also in my house.

Despite multiple requests from friends and acquaintances from the Netherlands to return to a safer haven as soon as possible, I knew I had to endure this period alone. It was a deeper therapy for me, different from what I had experienced up to that point. With this decision, various fears, beliefs, and limiting thoughts became very clear. My strength and healing grew day by day. And after about 1.5 months of 'intensive therapy with myself,' as I like to call it for convenience, I went out to explore beautiful things in the area.

Lighthouse, beacon of light and direction

And so I let myself be immersed in the beauty of the surroundings where this beauty of a lighthouse stands. For a moment, I compare myself to the lighthouse.

I realized that a lighthouse is a beacon of light for navigators on the water. A bright light that always shines in the dark. It is a compass for others to see which route they should take towards land. But the lighthouse also shines its light to make cliffs and obstacles visible under the dark water.

I find it a beautiful realization that the lighthouse has a fixed position and navigators can always rely on that light when they can use that help.

The boats navigate naturally towards the (location of the) lighthouse.

For a moment, I compare myself to that lighthouse.

I also almost always shine light on the dark places in people's lives. And certainly, not everyone is or was immediately open to that. And you could say that I have unintentionally hurt several people's feelings because of that. I have also often decided to keep my mouth shut and let people figure out their own way. And very often that is painful because you know, see, and feel exactly which cliffs they might run into on their route. But because I stand for detachment and unconditional love, it also means letting the other person go free and allowing them to discover their own path.

So far, it has always proven that the course of this light was completely accurate. And so, there are still, and often many years later, people who come back to me to thank me for what I saw so clearly back then and for which I wanted to protect them.

And that makes me a grateful person that I can and may shine my light in my own way and support others on their own path to become lighter and take their space. From authenticity, clarity, and clear direction, personal wishes, and boundaries.

If you need more insights and clarity on your path and could use some direction, feel free to take a look at my website, innervibez.nl. Or contact me for a personal 1-on-1 walking session in the beautiful natural surroundings of the Utrechtse Heuvelrug.

I am here for you, as a beacon of light.

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