Lima Wow

Lima Wow

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  • Dutch, English

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On Holimoni since 19 mei 2024

I am Linda Komans - van den Boom, a proud mother of two daughters and happily married since May 2023. My life is an adventure filled with curiosity, acquiring knowledge, and applying it in practice. During my 9 years in the military and 2 deployments, I learned valuable lessons: teamwork, trusting the group, perseverance, and learning (indicating) my own boundaries. This experience has shaped me into someone who believes that we are always capable of more than we initially think. Together, we also achieve more than alone. The transition to the NS brought a new dimension to my life. The ability to quickly switch between different people and situations, something I had already learned in the military, deepened my understanding of people in general. This has enhanced my ability to thrive in diverse environments with different types of people. In 2020, my therapeutic journey began with training as a Holistic Energetic (child) Massage Therapist. My always critical eye turned inward, and I closely followed my own personal development. During this journey, I eventually specialized as a Nei therapist because I believe in the power of this approach to touch deeper layers and make the path to personal growth and the resolution of physical discomfort easier and more effective. After the question: "Okay, I know what the issue is and how to proceed?" Nei therapy came to me with the solution. It helped me discover and resolve the emotional layers beneath my survival strategies, enabling real change to occur. And now I can apply this to others as well. One of my most satisfying renovation projects was the transformation of our attic into a beautiful bedroom, freeing up space in the house for my practice. Here, everything comes together: my love for DIY and my dedication to providing a calm place for my clients.


  • Burnouts

  • Making choices

  • PTSD

  • Anorexia

  • Divorce


  • Massage therapist since 2020

  • Access bars practitioner since 2021

  • Neh therapist since 2023

Trainings & Courses

  • Therapy training (horizon training)

  • Nei therapy (The Energetic House)


  • Insurance

    Not covered

  • Chamber of Commerce



Lima Wow

connection trust security, no, access bars, massage, help, coming together further

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