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Vitality Practice Linda Bremmer

Vitality Practice Linda Bremmer


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Linda Bremmer

Linda Bremmer

On Holimoni since 3 december 2023

On Holimoni since 3 dec. 2023

Did you know that... The ballast you carry with you determines 95% of how you feel, think, behave, act, and how you stand in life. > Are you suffering from, for example, these complaints? High sensitivity Burnout Gloominess Fears Fatigue Stress Irritability Negative self-image Tension Depression Worrying Emotional dependence In a nutshell... In an individual process lasting about 2 months, you will learn step by step how to let go of your ballast independently and effectively, and how to regain the positive feelings you've lost along the way. It's a short-term process. You will receive guidance during this process. You will learn to tackle future hurdles independently. You will experience quick results step by step. You will learn to take responsibility for your own process. You will develop skills through tools to continue your process independently. At my kitchen table, I am happy to provide you with a listening ear, ask the right questions, and give just the right remarks. Even more, I would love to guide you through a special process that I know and feel will make you more vital. I am me and you are you. And you and I live together in a world that I and you can make more beautiful and better in our own way. But this starts with ourselves.


Stress and burnout issues

Sadness, depression

High sensitivity



Reiki since 2022

Alternative trauma, stress, Body Mind Release therapist since 2023

Intervention specialist since 2023

Trainings & Courses

Reiki (ZoMa training programs)

BMR therapist, intervention specialist & master (BMR Netherlands)



Supplementary insurance

Chamber of Commerce


Vitality Practice Linda Bremmer

Alternative, holistic, trauma, stress, burn-out, depression, BMR, Body Mind Release therapist, intervention, prevention specialist, reiki practitioner

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