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From a young age, I was a girl who got along well with almost everyone. I easily sensed the feelings of others and was often the mediator in conflicts. At a young age, I already knew that I wanted to help others in my profession. Ideally, I wanted to become a doctor. As I grew older, it became clear that I was not a good science student. I let go of my dream to become a doctor and decided to study Nursing at the HBO level. During my hospital internship in Ghana, I witnessed the impact of illness and death on people and how they cope with grief and loss. This left a profound impression on me. Being able to deal with things that happen to you became an important theme in my life. Shortly after starting my working life, my father was diagnosed with a serious illness. He had a rare form of cancer and passed away in 2007 after a brief illness. As the oldest daughter and a nurse, I guided him through that entire journey. After his death, I struggled for a long time to keep all the balls in the air, process my grief, and improve my mental health. It was a quest for what helped me. My life was turned upside down. I felt nothing anymore. I only realized this when I became angry over the slightest things. It took me several years to regain my balance. I started to wonder: how do others manage this? This led to the idea of helping others in this regard. My background as a nurse with medical knowledge and a network came in handy! In January 2017, I resigned and registered with the Chamber of Commerce. I am naturally curious and love learning new things. Since starting my business, I have pursued many studies and training courses that contribute to my holistic approach, all centered around how you can influence and improve your health yourself. And this is a journey because it is different for everyone! There is no fixed recipe. And for me, there is no established protocol either! People who come to me often have dealt with cancer, trauma, and/or loss. They often experience emotional and mental complaints and have little connection with their bodies. They feel as if they feel very little or nothing at all. This often leads to vague complaints like a tense body, being easily emotionally triggered, having a short temper, headaches, neck pain, or lower back pain. Together, we look at how I can help them. This can sometimes involve a program of several sessions spread over multiple months. But it can also be shorter, with a few treatments or sessions. Based on the complaints, I make a proposal about what I think I can offer and how many sessions/time it would involve. My approach is gentle and inviting. I find it important that people feel safe to share what they want to share. I do not judge and try to invite clients to explore what is happening in their mind and body. And when they feel they are IN CONTROL again, it gives me a lot of satisfaction!
Exhausted nervous system
Coach 2017
Holistic therapist since 2020
Trainings & Courses
Fascia release techniques - (Maria Alfieris) Training Bodymind coach (Esoterra) Workshop systemic coaching & guidance (KijkNU)
Polyvagal Theory (live online training by Deb Dana, facilitated by Publisher Mens!) 'Putting polyvagal theory into practice; nervous-system based exercises for anxiety, depression, trauma and more' - (online training via Publisher Mens!) Trauma sensitive yoga (TCTSY)
Yoga nidra teacher training - Raya yoga (Annemieke Latour) Breathwork - Jane Bakx yoga ism/ Yin yoga teacher training (House of Innerpower) Stress counseling/ Counseling + Grief counseling/ Stress relief/ Positive psychology (Civas)
Vinyasa yoga teacher training (Yogadreams) Grief and Loss Counseling (A plus opleidingen) MBCT (mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in medical settings) / Postgraduate psychosocial support for cancer (Rino group)
Acceptance & commitment therapy (ACT guide by Gijs Jansen) DISC (behavior styles, thinking styles, and motivations) (Disc factor) Life and career coach (Big Five for Life TM)
HBO Nursing (Fontys University of Applied Sciences Eindhoven) Year Training in Shamanism (Moonsfarm) Sound Bowl Session Course / Basic Sound Bowl Course (Happynings)
Heart course (kintsugi) ritual (Open your heart studio) Year training in intuitive development and mediumship (Mercedes Sharrocks Academy)
Body Remembers Trauma Therapy ® (BRTT) & Trauma Release and Breathwork ® (TRB) (InnerJourney)
Reiki 1 & 2 (Zoma)
Not covered
Chamber of Commerce

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