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Megan Kelly

Megan Kelly

On Holimoni since 2 september 2024

On Holimoni since 2 sep 2024

My name is Megan Kelly. I am a holistic psychologist and coach, with over 10 years of treatment and coaching experience. In my practice Wholehearted, located in Urmond (Limburg), you can come for psychological treatment and coaching, in-depth women's circles, and (one-day) retreats. My approach I work holistically, which for me means that I pay attention to all layers of your being; the physical, mental, emotional, energetic & spiritual layers, which are all connected and influence each other. My backpack is full of treasures; I combine the best of psychology with holistic interventions, allowing the session to unfold in the moment and intuitively. No two sessions are the same. From healing inner journeys to down-to-earth action plans: I’m here for it! My vision As a holistic psychologist, I believe that you are essentially your soul; that is your true self, your unique energy, the sparkle in your eyes. We all are part of a larger whole, and are currently present in a physical 'vehicle' to fully experience life on Earth. And that experience can be beautiful, but inevitably also painful. In dealing with that pain, we often lose the connection. The connection with ourselves, in all our layers. And that also comes at the cost of real connection with one another and the world around us. I believe that the disconnection with ourselves is the source of the complaints we experience in the here and now. My mission Therefore, I focus on restoring your connection with yourself. This goes further than "fixing" what you are currently struggling with: discovering what is going on at all your layers, clarifying where you want to go, what is holding you back on a deeper level from getting there, and what you need to take steps. That leads to fewer complaints, but more importantly: knowing better who you really are, what you need, and what you long for. Being able to follow your intuition and inner movement again. I wish for you to let go of what no longer serves you, so that you can start living your life from flow, trust, joy, and authenticity. My personal mission: that your eyes shine again! Practical My practice is (for now) open on Fridays. As of now (September 2024), there is no waiting list. Current waiting times can be found on my website. My practice room is located in the Van der Valk Business Center in Urmond (don’t worry, it's a lot less business-like than it sounds 😉). The location is easily accessible and parking is free. I consciously work on an uncontracted basis. With a valid referral letter and a DSM classification (which I will provide after an intake interview), you can have psychological treatment partially to fully reimbursed by your health insurer. It is your own responsibility to find out beforehand how much reimbursement you will get. For an updated schedule and information about the women's circles & retreats, you can check my website.


  • Mood disorders, anxiety, and tension complaints

  • Life stage issues, identity questions, meaning questions

  • Personal growth, personal development, personal leadership

  • Grief, burnout & overstimulation


  • Holistic GZ psychologist, therapist, coach, facilitator since 2013

Trainings & Courses

  • Balance Breathing Breath Coach & Workshop Trainer

  • Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), Access Bars® Practitioner

  • Master of Clinical Psychology (Tilburg University)

  • NLP Practitioner Coach (Linn Sittard)

  • NLP Master Practitioner Coach (Linn Sittard)

  • Voice Dialogue, EMDR basics, Functional Family Therapy

  • Rehabilitation & Employment Specialist (Post-HBO)

  • GZ psychologist (RINO South)

  • Systemic therapy basics, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy basics


  • Insurance


  • Chamber of Commerce




Holistic psychologist, holistic coach, holistic therapist, women's circles, retreats, access bars, breathwork

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